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Forum Posts

Running FirstFoundationClient

Hi All  , Today I tried to configure Development Environment.  Below are the steps I have taken :1.Installed Alfresco 4.2.a Community Edition2.Configured it with Mysql , and started tomcat , and accessed Share page, worked perfect.3.Imported alfresco...

ashwini by Champ in-the-making
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How to do lucene query

I am new to lucene. I can't seem to figure out how and where to run lucene query. What I want to do is followingselect * from * where type= sp:mla_supplements and sp:survey != ""Then display the value of this property sp:surveysp:mla_supplements is s...

sharifu by Confirmed Champ
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Preview Freemind docs (or other mime file) in Alfresco Share

Hi,I have added a FTL to preview freemind documents in Alfresco thanks to this post: I am trying to do the same in the Share platform: The steps I have done:copy the FT...

fparrilla by Champ in-the-making
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Nodes with no type are ignored by SOLR

I have just upgraded 2 servers from v 4.0d to 4.2.cI got the following warning in the log files during upgrade processWARNING: [SetContextPropertiesRule]{Context} Setting property 'debug' to '0' did not find a matching property.2013-02-05 10:56:29,71...

sharifu by Confirmed Champ
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Sync Folder & Contents from One Site to Another

Hello, everyone –I am looking for a way to synchronize a folder within one site's document library to the same folder in another site. Ideally this would just be a link to avoid duplicate documents, but I can see from past posts that this is not curr...

filmchris by Champ in-the-making
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Install database to separate server

I am trying to install Alfresco Enterprise on 2 separate servers. One server will run Apache and Tomcat while the other will run the database (MySQL or Postgresql). It seems pretty simple that during the installation process I should simply supply th...

jasonsfa98 by Champ on-the-rise
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Define custom variable for form config

Hi,In share-datalist-form-config.xml, I see<field id="dl:attachments">   <control>      <control-param name="startLocation">{doclib}</control-param>   </control></field>‍‍‍‍‍‍‍defined for dl:todoList. Does anyone where doclib is set? I would like to ...

alex_lu by Champ in-the-making
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Probleme liste deroulante sur le page share

Bonjour,Je viens de déployer alfresco version 4.0 sous Windows. tous est Ok a l'aide  des forum.mais lorsque je veux selectionné sur les liste deroulanle de alfresco share je n'arive pas. la liste me donne les chois mais je peux pas choisir. "workflu...

amine120 by Champ in-the-making
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