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Connection to FTP server

Hi,i want to connect Alfresco repository to an FTP server.. can we do that in alfreso?? so that we can take files from that FTP location and store it in alfresco repository folder.

PHP Library $session->save() errors out over SSL/encryption

So, I am currently working on a PHP-based Alfresco upload applet.  In a non-encrypted environment, the code at the end works great, over SSL, the $session->save(); command fails.  providing the following error500 - socket_connect() failed. Reason: ()...

ofrxnz by Champ in-the-making
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DOTCMIS with Alfresco Ent 3.1.0 Edition

Hello Experts,I need to install Alfresco Enterprise 3.1.0 and want to customize with my .NET application. Previously, I could do the same easily with Alfresco v4.2 and by using DOTCMIS APIs.I am really doubtful whether DOTCMIS will work with 3.1.0 or...

LDAP Authentifizierung Windows AD mehrere Domänen

Hallo,ich habe das Problem, dass wir hier einen großen Forrest mit mehreren Domänen haben.Für die Useranmeldung habe ich eine Connection auf die Domäne eingerichtet wo die internen user liegen.Die Anmeldung funktioniert auch!Aber, die Gruppen die ich...

firetux by Champ in-the-making
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org.activiti.engine.ActivitiException: unknown variable type

HI AllI am trying to create a simple workflow using JPA. I have one service task which persists the data into a custom table using JPA and returns a JPA entity. Then i have a User Task where i want to display an attribute from the returned JPA entity...

kartikla by Champ in-the-making
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Sécurisation - filtrage d'URL

Bonjour,Je cherche à sécuriser Alfresco en vue de son installation sur un serveur ouvert sur Internet.Je suis en train d'identifier toutes les URLs liées à l’administration afin de limiter l'accès à celles-ci aux adresses IP de notre structure.Nous u...

gregm59 by Champ in-the-making
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custom browse.jsp not working at certain points

I have made some customisations and have overriden the browse.jsp with my custombrowse.jsp.but sometimes it works but at the other times it doesn' is what i want my home page to look like:

Dynamically call subprocess?

Is there a way or an example of how to dynamically specify which subprocess to call? I started looking at this via using a Java service call (via extending AbstractBpmnActivityBehavior) to delegate to a subprocess but was unable to figure it out.

oconnor0 by Champ in-the-making
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Advanced search on custom-properties

Hi,I'm trying to use "advanced search" on some custom properties.But when I use the plus operator "+" to find more values in the search results it doesn't work!This is the web-client-config-custom.xml section:<config evaluator="string-compare" condit...

redbull by Champ in-the-making
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Need to customize the 'My Alfresco' page

Hello, I need to customize the behaviour of the My Alfresco page in a way that the Navigator pane will always display the list of spaces under "Company Home".I have looked around the .jsp pages, but I haven't found a way to implement this enhancement...

theorbix by Confirmed Champ
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