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Forum Posts

HowTo: Install/Config (3x 2008 R2 x64) LDAP SSO + Passthru + Email + IIS SSL Reverse Proxy + Sharepoint + Network Share + CIFS

***  UPDATED 05/27/2015  ***Greetz!In this thread, I will be documenting my complete install process which follows the enterprise versions 'best practice' when deploying Alfresco. By doing so, I'm hoping to simplify the whole process for those new ad...

102020 by Champ on-the-rise
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Error tagging via REST

Hi all,I am getting an error when I try to execute via POST the REST function to create a new tag (/alfresco/service/api/tag/{store_type}/{store_id}). I am testing REST api with Postman app for Chrome and get this error: Wrapped Exception (with statu...

Lucene Search

Hi Guys,I am trying to search group on authorityName property.In my system there are two groups "leval1" and "ContractManager".When i use this query TYPE:"\cm:authorityContainer" AND @cm\:authorityName:GROUP_leval1 it returns nodeRef for group "leval...

Workflow share

E' possibile eliminare dalla form dei workflow quelli di base di alfresco e lasciare solo quelli definiti da me?Grazie

michela by Champ in-the-making
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Document Preview aftter upgrade from 4.0d to 4.2 c

I am working on an alfresco upgrade on Windows server mysql database, lucene indexes.  I went ahead and installed lates version available from alfresco  (2/12/2013)  Brought in database and content. When I click on a document link, I get the followin...

webscript synchronized problem

hello everyone:I hvae meet a problem about execute a same webscrpit twice at the same time.The second webscript executed when the first's unfinished.The main job of the webscript is updating or creating node by a imported file.Before the creating nod...

maintenance mode

hi mates, is there some kind of maintenance mode for alfresco. i mean some kind of read only where users cant edit or upload new documents or make new wiki entries?

enkidu by Champ in-the-making
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Desktop Action in JavaScript

Ciao a tutti.Sto cercando della documentazione oltre a quella presente nella wiki, e possibilmente più aggiornata su come creare delle Desktop Action in JavaScript. Avrei bisogno di modificare la Desktop Action ShowDetails e fare in modo che mostri S...

bcsx by Champ in-the-making
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