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Forum Posts

Call Activity Multi-Instance 'return'-Variables

Hi everybody,i have a process in which a Call Activity is called multiple times as a sequential Multi-Instance Activity. The only problem is that the "return"-Variable (activitiut) from the Call Activity never seems to be set after finish so that i c...

se040 by Champ in-the-making
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NativeTaskQuery listpage

According to, there should be support for pagination (listpage() operation) for native Queries in version 5.12.However, when trying to use this, I find the NativeTaskQuery APIackage org.activiti.engine.task;pu...

vvstraet by Champ in-the-making
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Deprecated IMAGE datatype under MS SQL Server

Hi,we migrate to activiti version 5.12 and validate our software with MS SQL Server 2012. We found out that activiti uses the deprecated IMAGE data type on tablesACT_GE_BYTEARRAYACT_HI_COMMENTACT_ID_INFOThe IMAGE data type is deprecated since MS SQL ...

jackdd by Champ in-the-making
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Changer la description d'un fichier importé

Bonjour à tous. Je viens juste de débuter avec Alfresco et je souhaiterai solliciter votre aide. J'ai crée un nouveau dossier dans l'entrepôt, ce dossier va évidemment contenir plusieurs fichiers. Le dossier possède une description spécifique. Ce que...

Error instalando la versión 4.2.c en Windows 7

Durante el proceso de instalación obtengo el siguiente error:03100000 An IO error was encountered during deployment of the AMP into the WAR.Sé que se debe a que no ha podido instalara la ampliacion "alfresco-community-spp-4.2.c.amp".Me da el mismo er...

jfranco by Champ in-the-making
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How do I branch a folder or document?

Hi all,Just trying to figure out how I can branch a specific document or preferably, folder. I assume this is possible? I've investigated Web Quick Start as that seemed to point towards being able to branch things but I haven't seen anything on the s...

manifest0 by Champ in-the-making
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Aspect ne figure pas dans l'interface share

j'ai ajouté un aspect spécifique pour le type document suivant mes besoins (chaque document peut avoir une référence) dans l'interface alfresco; le problème ce que je peut pas utilisé cet aspect dans l'interface share, je le trouve pas dans la gestio...

goldmarwen by Champ in-the-making
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Own PropertyType

Hello again,now that I can finally play around with my own task definitions, I have a question about the property types. I searched in the forum but could only find something for the Activiti Explorer on that part.Is it possible to provide an own pro...

norberts by Champ in-the-making
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demande de templates alfresco

Bonjour , je voudrai savoir ya t'il des Templates pour alfresco , ou bien est ce que je peut personnaliser un tel site dans alfresco , merci