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Forum Posts

Calling curl with https

I want to call to alfresco using curl with https for testing. Currently it works for http fine. Can any one help me in this isue?curl -vi –cacert AlfrescoRepository "https://localhost:8443/alfresco/service/api/login?u=a123&pw=a123" * About to connect...

Active Directory Sync allowing logins using email address

Hello,We have had Active directory sync up and running for a few months now on Alfresco 4.2.c.  Everything seemed to be working fine until I noticed that users were logging in using their email addresses and Alfresco was creating a separate user for ...

mvanpelt by Champ in-the-making
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jjavaBacked Script : manipulation de properties [résolu]

Bonjourje me pose une question de bonnes pratiques uite à un Query Lucene, j'obtiens un ResultSetRow que j'explore, d'abord en lisant toutes ses propriétés (mon objectif est d'en modifier certaines).J'obtiens le même résultat en passant par :<!break>...

fmarin by Champ in-the-making
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jjavaBacked Script : appel WebService [résolu]

Bonjourj'ai besoin d'intégrer des appels à deux web-services fournis par des tiers, l'un s'appuyant sur Axis2-1.6.2, et l'autre sur axis 1.4.Le premier pose un pb d'intégration avec Alfresco du fait de certains jars qui entrent en conflit (je n'ai pa...

fmarin by Champ in-the-making
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Can't execute JavaScripts on Alfresco

This might be extremely simple, but I can;t execute Java Scripts Files on Alfresco Data Dictionary/Script folder. It doesn't give the option to "run" on any of the files. I can image that this is a permission issue, but I'm log with the Admin account...

Problème avec le tuto de koossery de workflow avancé et JBPM

Je suis un débutant ,dans le cadre de mon projet universitaire j'avait comme tache de faire fonctionné cette exemple

chaabani by Champ in-the-making
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Activiti editor/modeller

I am analyzing activiti engine for few weeks now and it seems to fit to my application. I would also like to deliver nice module that allows desiging processes. In explorer application there is one however I am not able to import it into my project. ...

simonpl by Champ in-the-making
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Repository startup problem

I have an issue where by the repository hangs on startup with no errors in the logs. After trying everything as I stated <a href="">...

darkstar1 by Confirmed Champ
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SSL Certificate Installation Problem

Hello Friends,I made the Purchase Rapid SSL Certificate, when I generated signing request put a company Email id then send the certificate signing request for them and they returned a signed Certificate but does not work, I noticed the Email key cont...

volkeram by Champ in-the-making
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