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How to add 'CC' and 'BCC' list in javascript mail executer

Hi Friends,   I have created a rule on update the document.  I have added a javscript on created rule.    below is my javascript.var mail = actions.create("mail"); = ""  mail.parameters.subject = "Hello from JavaScrip...

Problem with jobExecutor when set to true

Hi,  I have created a standalone application in which the process engine is running. This application was running fine when jobExecutor is set to false but when I set it to true the problems started. When trying to retrieve the tasks for process inst...

ganeshr by Champ in-the-making
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How to properly bootstrap folder in Company Home?

Hi.I'm using Alfresco Community Edition 4.2.c. As I'm starting my journey with Alfresco I want to achieve something simple. I want to bootstrap new folder called MyFolder in Company Home space. I'm following this tutorial:

patrykl by Champ in-the-making
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Verifica se un file è stato modificato

Ciao a tutti, Ho la necessità di sapere se un file è stato modificato dopo che è stato creato. (in java )Tramite uuid reperisco il documento, ma non ho trovato i metodi necessari per leggere i metadati.Il codice è il seguente:Reference nodeRef = new ...

anto_c by Champ in-the-making
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how can i deploy alfresco.war on standalone apache/tomcat

Hi,i've downloaded alfresco.war, 3.x, and want to deploy this on our own tomcat server.Is it doable and if so what's the process. Basically i want to use our own apache+tomcat to host alfresco and not the out of box install.Can any body please advise...

drmn by Champ in-the-making
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Extending designer: random error Nullpointer

Hi all, i'm trying to extend the editor with some task that i've to implment.The problem is that sometimes it works, sometimes i have this errorroblems occurred when invoking code from plug-in: "org.eclipse.jface".java.lang.NullPointerException   at ...

esseti by Champ in-the-making
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Custom workflow tasks in Mobile App

I'm trying to check all the functionality of the new app and I found an issue showing the workflow tasks. In my Alfresco instance (CE 4.0) I have some custom workflows created with JBPM engine. Starting this workflows I can see the tasks in "My Task ...

andrepra by Champ in-the-making
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ricerca default alfresco explorer

Salve a tutti,Ho installato alfresco nella versione 4.2c, e non riesco a mettere la ricerca basic ad avere come unico criterio il nome del file:mi trova invece i file che hanno una determinata parola sia nel nome che nel contenuto, ho provato a modif...

frizzello by Champ in-the-making
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