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Can't evaluate boolean expression in usertask

Hi,as the topic says, I get a warning when completing a usertask. My process: User A starts it and some variables are created and some task are done. A parallel gateway leads to eventbased gateway and a usertask of different lane. One event is a time...

fellowtom by Champ in-the-making
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Set owner of taks in XML

Hi,is it possible to set the owner of a task based on a process variable? Is it possible with a line like below?<userTask id="AssignUserTask" name="AssignUserTask" activitiwner="{ActivitiTaskOwner}"  activiti:candidateGroups="CSM, RD"></userTask>If n...

kristofsl by Champ in-the-making
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Creating a new extractor from a new Model

Hello,I want create a new model in order to map the new types with my custom extractor(new extractor).so after my research i find this demarche:1-custom-Model.xml the new model have to be created in extension folder2-custom-model-context.xml for regi...

Activiti taskListener method-Service reference null

Hi,In Activiti User task Task Listener method i am trying to call service method which is autowired.But i m getting Serivice reference null.Please Help.testService is autowired.   public void notify(DelegateTask delegateTask) {      // TODO Auto-gene...

rikin by Champ in-the-making
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Spring bean is not udating my database

I have an execution listener. I have loaded a spring bean in the listener. I am calling a function on this bean which eventually updates my database.But the update does not happen. No sql is generated. This bean method works fine when i call it throu...

javax.faces.FacesException: The absolute uri:

Could somebody explain why i'm getting this when when I go tohttp://localhost/alfresco:javax.faces.FacesException: The absolute uri: cannot be resolved in either web.xml or the jar files deployed with this applicationcaus...

Error en busqueda de sitios

Mi problema empezó al momento de renombrar algunos sitios creados, al querer buscar sitios sale el siguiente mensaje.06160003 Wrapped Exception (with status template): 06160005 Error durante el procesamiento de la plantilla 'Method public org.alfresc...

ziztmz by Champ in-the-making
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Create Thumbnail for mutipage PDF

Hi,I need to create thumbnail images for PDF files. For single page PDFs its working and create image file. But when I try a multipage pdf its throws fallowing error. Thanks.BeslanAlfresco version : 4.2btested imagemagick versions : 6.5.6 (from Alfre...

beslan by Champ in-the-making
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