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Forum Posts

Fetching documents with some specified metadata value

Hi Alfresco-techies,i am new to Alfresco. Hence my query may seem to be very basic.My requirement is to fetch all the documents in a specific alfresco space ( and subspaces) whose metadata value satisfies certain desired value. ex. if document has do...

bichi59 by Champ in-the-making
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PopupManager.displayForm - edit task's properties

I'm trying to display popup which enables user to edit some of a task's properties. I thought displayForm function would be suitable for this: ac...

macok by Champ in-the-making
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Hallo Kann mir bitte jemand helfen.Ich möchte durch eine Regel Dateien in einen anderen Ordner kopieren , es soll aber die Versions Nummer beibehalten werden.Momentan stimmt die Versionsnummer nur wenn ich die Datei das erste mal hochlade, dann steht...

wimmste by Champ in-the-making
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Criar Model via API Alfresco

Estou construindo uma aplicação web e nela deve ter a opção de criar o Modelo de dados com seus Types.Alguém sabe onde tem algum exemplo, trecho de código ou documentação para criar "MODEL" via programação, estou dando uma estudada no código-fonte do...

Enlace público con posibilidad de descarga

Hola,En alfresco share al darle a compartir un documento se genera un enlace público que puedes mandar por email.Al pulsar en el enlace, en el caso de que por ejemplo sea un pdf, sólo se visualiza en el navegador sin la posibilidad de descargalo.¿Hay...

echoes26 by Champ in-the-making
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Suche in bestimmten Ordnern möglich?

Hallo, ich möchte die Suchfunktion auf bestimmte Ordner einschränken. Wenn ich zum Beispiel die Ordner 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 habe und jeder dieser Ordner enthält Dokumente, welche die Worte (in diesm Fall Buchstaben) a,b,c,d,e,f,g enthalten. Wie ist e...

st4150 by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco and high CPU

Hello,I've got an alfresco 4.0.E working on Linux machine (Centos 6.4 64bits).The soft is not al lot used, but It load the server to 10-20% for each CPU (4 CPU).I don't really know what consums a lot. Anyone can help me to resolve this ?Thanks,

ouafnico by Champ in-the-making
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actions after installation

hello!I am the novice user of Alfresco4.0I established it, created users, attached some files,but there is one problem, when I log in - such page opens,but, in all training videos and articles - settings are based on a home page of the following type...

activiti-camel and receivetask question-Business key is null

Hello together,I am trying to setup an activiti-camel example with following steps.Start - ServiceTask(JavaDelegate) - ServiceTask(Camel) - ReceiveTask(From Camel) - ServiceTask(JavaDelegate) - Endbut I failed at the received Task with Exhausted afte...

labo by Champ in-the-making
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'Assertion Falsified' error

We are getting this error when running our integration to import documents into Alfresco Cloud.Is this a common error?  Any recommendations on where to look?Failed to store: DocumentImpl:bd7c6036-77a9-40f4-9fe7-c23de290c77a;

clarkems by Champ in-the-making
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