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Forum Posts

Parallel task completion issue

Hi, I recently ran into a issue where two users completed one task at same time.  Process after this task is rather complex, including parallel gateways and call activities, where some data are updated in external system, so it runs for 20-30 seconds...

mpradny by Champ in-the-making
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There is no getter for property named 'limitBefore' in 'class org.activiti.engine.impl.ProcessInstanceQueryImpl'

When using a ProcessInstanceQuery‍ to list all process instances that match a given process definition key, and contain a certain variable value, i.e.:List<ProcessInstance> procs = processEngine.getRuntimeService()  .createProcessInstanceQuery().proc...

Access a property of type d:content

Hi,I've created an aspect with a property of type d:content.I've applyed this aspect to all my folders, and I'm now able in Share to add an html description to all my folders. Great !<aspect name="poste:descriptionable">   <title>Rich description of ...

Capacity Upgrade

Hi, we are now testing the alfresco using the free account. May we know for example if the capacity of 25GB is already exceeded, how much will it cost? or do we need to upgrade?

jason_g by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco form

hiAny one know how to show form using Ajax Response?I got the Ajax Response as data .I can see in Browser.How to show that data in user Interface?If any one have any idea please provide some code or guidance on this.Thank you in Adavance.

Solr Does Not Index Xml Elements / Attributes

Hello,I have noticed that Solr sometimes does not index the names of Xml elements and Xml attribute values.Element content, on the other hand, is always indexed. I am using Alfresco 4.2.c Community, on Linux. The installation was performed using the ...

larophel by Champ in-the-making
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Mapping d:content in CMIS

Hello,I am migrating a connector API from JSR-170+Jackrabbit to CMIS. The application have a custom model, where two properties are "d:content" type.As I can see, CMIS don't map d:content properties, so it can't be read or write with CMIS connector. ...

victorba by Champ in-the-making
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Workdesk configuration files

Hello,I've installed workdesk on my local tomcat. however, I'm running on port 8180, instead of the default 8080. Workdesk is telling me that (obviously) it can't find the resources (the error shows link to localhost:8080/workdesk/<I_dont_remember>/c...

oliviera by Champ in-the-making
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