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Problem using initiator

Hello,I created my own version of the explorer and my own bpmn2.0 process. The problem is about the initiator. I want the task to be assigned to the initiator of the process but that works… SOMETIMES!! It's random.Here is my bpmn process:<?xml versio...

bhj2 by Champ in-the-making
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H2 standalone database difficulties

Hi guys,I'm a newbie about Activiti and BPMN things but i want to learn. I began 4 days ago, step by step I'd been able to work a little bit with Activiti in java code. Then i manage to integrate Activiti to Spring in a web app.Now I want to set up m...

waao by Champ in-the-making
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Scalability of the Activiti Engine in an Enterprise environment

Hello All,I have a couple of questions related to the scalability of Activiti as follows:1) What is the best way to execute multiple process instances of a workflow? One good recommendation was from Joram in another post where he gave the usage of a ...

ambharath by Champ in-the-making
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NullPointerException when native query with null result

Hi there,We need to find out the last executed process with a given name so we used this piece of code:NativeHistoricProcessInstanceQuery haiq = historyService.createNativeHistoricProcessInstanceQuery();HistoricProcessInstance processNative = haiq.sq...

lotzy by Champ in-the-making
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How to block uploading .exe files in alfresco?

I have installed alfresco.4.2.c in my windows machine.I don't want allow ".exe" files to be uploaded.So, please let me know the solution to block .exe files in alfresco?

shibu by Champ in-the-making
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[Share Dashlet] 'Event scheduling'

A new Share dashlet is available on [img][/img]  Atol Conseils & Développements forge  (Dashlet created for the 2012 Alfresco Dashlet Challenge).With this dashlet, you can plan events directly from a Share dashlet (the...

bertrandf by Champ on-the-rise
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alfrescoModel missing in alfresco-enterprise-solr-4.1.5

I am installing the Alfresco environment using the alfresco-enterprise-4.1.5 zip file manually (without the installer).I downloaded file from Alfresco partner website. After configuring Solr and start tomcat instanc...

How to pass an object field from a process to a sub-process

In the main process, I have a list of employee {firstName, lastName}to call multi sub-processes, the XML is as follow:  <callActivity id="callActiviti" name="Call Sub Process" activiti:exclusive="false" calledElement="subProcess">      <extensionElem...

Create Content Menu

Hi all,I'm not sure if this question was already answered, but I couldn't use the search of this forum as this results always in an error…!?Here's my question:Is there an opportunity to enhance the "Create Context" menu in Share with a submenu? I'm a...

itzamna by Confirmed Champ
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