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Forum Posts

develop activiti with Spring and jsf

hi to allim beginner in activiti,and i need to develop external form in spring+jsfi find book-cdi example  but i dont find example for spring+jsf and i have many errors in my implementation :?   :!: . plz help me if you are work it with spring +jsf o...

Callback or event for my application

Hi,I have integrated alfresco for document uploading with my application using web-services;Now I want to trigger a callback to my application for deleting the file from alfresco web client so that i can sync my application.Any ideas how to do that

msj4u by Champ in-the-making
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Web-Preview Linux – Windows

He provado Alfresco 4.2.d en Windows Server 2008 y Ubuntu 12 todos 64bits.  En principio todo casi igual, pero, encuentro diferencias cuando muestra un documento Office Word en Linux y Windows. En Windows se ve perfectamente todo bien renderizado, si...

jcastellvi by Champ in-the-making
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Attachmets with new model

Hi!I need the new custom model that would be a registry of documents.So a new registry contains of 5 files (doc, xls) and the status field.How to do it properly?

Changing customized Alfresco bundle to another machine.

How can we run alfresco with out installing into a machine if we have already installed alfresco bundle with us?I have installed Alfresco in Windows 64 bit machine.Now, I want to take the installed bundle from that machine to another machine, whic is...

shibu by Champ in-the-making
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Gruppi ed Accesso Folder

Ciao a tutti,vorrei dei chiarimenti.Ho creato un Gruppo di nome Delegato_Group e sotto questo gruppo dei sotto gruppi: Assistente_Group, Segretario_Group. Delegato_Group   |_ Assistente_Group   |_ Segretario_GroupNel repositori ho creato delle cartel...

Alfresco e Liferay, collegamento Cateogire.

Ciao a tutti,dovrei far in modo che le categorie inserite in un documento in liferay vengono riportate in Alfresco.Utilizzo la portlet tramite protocollo CMIS, questa non permette la creazione e l'aggiunte delle categorie in automatico???

Secure Alfresco Community from first install

Hi EveryoneApologies if this has already been asked. I am looking at running my community version via https. The problem i encounter is two fold, one is that i lack web server skills to understand how to run this securely the best way and two, i cann...

tguk70 by Champ in-the-making
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How to enable an additional certificate ?

Hi,We are running a vulnerability testing appliance and we have the following vulnerabilities associated with port 8443/tcp over SSL (Alfresco Tomcat) SL Certificate - Self-Signed CertificateSSL Certificate - Subject Common Name Does Not Match Server...

ymoisan by Champ in-the-making
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using category control

Hi everybody, I have to add a category picker to a forum topic (form create new topic). After analysing the category picker in the document library I suggest that using the category control is strongly wired to the form-engine. Is it possible to use ...

by Not applicable
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