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Forum Posts

How to change the initial password of Alfresco user 'admin'

Can anybody tell me how to change the initial password of the Alfresco user 'admin'. I tried the following on a Windows-Tomcat PR6 bundle installation on Windows XP:- Stopped browser sessions- Stopped Alfresco (i.e. Tomcat and MySQL)- Edit the web-c...

alexr by Champ in-the-making
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Active directory sync not working properly

I integrated Alfresco server with Active Directory. My AD users can access Alfresco with no problem. But the user information did not sync. The username, lastname and all other information of users from AD is not showing in Alfresco. All my Alfresco ...

pete109 by Champ in-the-making
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Separate custom metadata in Advanced Search

I've modified the web-client-config-custom in order to extend the advanced search also with some custom metadata. This metadata belongs to two aspects. To give a better User Experience i would like to separate the custom attributes af aspect1 to the ...

dave984 by Champ in-the-making
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Customize date component in alfresco share forms.

I want to customize the date component in alfresco share forms to be a 'hijri' calendar, so I have the jquery component "" but i can't integrate this component in alfresco share, any help?

omarsiala by Champ in-the-making
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Context.getCommandContext() returning null

I am encountering a situation where during certain operations Context.getCommandContext() is return null. I am not using a activity.cfg.xml file in my project and am building the ProcessEngineConfiguration programatically and then using guice to inje...

jorell by Champ in-the-making
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Upgrade from 5.12.1 to 5.14

Hello,I'm updating activiti engine from 5.12.1 to 5.14.I've made it in two steps: from 5.12.1 to 5.13 an than from 5.13 to 5.14;But I've forgot to run the database scripts.I've checked that in the 5.14 zip file there are no 5.13 to 5.14 scripts.So my...

Cannot see folder contents

When I login to Alfresco and go to sites, I cannot see folders under a particular sub folder. I can see sub folders within the root directory. I've tried changing the permissions to just myself, and turning off inherit permissions but it still persis...

steeb by Champ in-the-making
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activiti stop after executing a task

hello,i have some instances of the same process in progress, this process work fine and more than 1000 instances already reach the end point, but recently i encountred a problem wich stops all server executions, i tried to find the source of the prob...

houssam by Champ in-the-making
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Multi executions (jobs) of timerIntermediateCatchevent in a process

Hello Support,Actually I encounter a problem in a workflow using a timer catching event.At some point, I notice more than one executions of this timer for a single process instance.   Do you have an idea ?Is it a well-known problem ? Or Is it a desig...

kse by Champ in-the-making
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Solr search results are not corrected

Hi all,I'm struggling with this issue I have opened on JIRA: user closed the issue saying to watch the issue MNT-626.Problem is that I can't see that issue.Someone can help to investigate the problem ...