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Forum Posts

PDF and Alfresco

Hello Forum!I am new to Alfresco and I am wondering if it can provide me with a solution I am having..PDF files are not viewable on the internet through a web browser.  Does Alfresco make this accessable?

innocent by Champ in-the-making
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an error occured on opening this document

Hi,i already talked about this problem in another post but prefered to make another seperate post for on a Samsung galaxy tab 2 with android 4.2.2 with latest updated installed with polaris office(4.0 build 4.0.5005.28-FJ03) and alfresco commun...

djnemo2 by Champ in-the-making
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Crash Alfresco Mobile on android

Hi,Im using 4.2.e with latest Alfresco Mobile on android 4.2.2, i choose some of my documents as favorite to be able to always sync them with server and be able to  modify those file even when im offline.Now when im offline and trying to modify any o...

djnemo2 by Champ in-the-making
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Not able to find scripting engine for groovy

I'm seeing the following exception message in ACT_RU_JOB table     Can't find scripting engine for 'groovyBut when checked in log file for more information, there is not exception stracktrace. It's strange.Followed the other forum topics and added gr...

ganeshr by Champ in-the-making
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Cancel/Skip running task

Hi,I'm trying to find a way to cancel/skip a task that is part of a running process (it could be a user task, an service task, …). I looked into Activiti's functionalities but I only found a function to delete a task (that is not part of a running pr...

r0main by Champ in-the-making
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Hi,I'm trying to utilise a model containing a none start event and a message start event, which has a different entry point into the flow.In my unit test I'm therefore utilising the startProcessInstanceByMessage method on the runtime service and usin...

alistair by Champ in-the-making
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Problème de Connection à Share

BjrTout marchait très bien et puis d'un coup je tombe sur une pageA server error has occured.There are a number of reasons why this could have happened:    You have attempted to access a page that does not exist - check the URL in the address bar.   ...

gvola by Champ in-the-making
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How to signal ReceiveTask externally?

Mine is standalone Java Application and my use case is: To have a receive task (waiting to be triggered from outside later) After it gets runtimeService.signal(waitExecutionId), it should proceed further else should persist this state indefinately.I ...

monika_b by Champ in-the-making
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04240000 No 'login' page type configured

Hi,I've just set up Alfresco Community Edition 3.4d (using the ZIP from on a fresh Tomcat 6.0.32 install. I have made no changes to the .war files or an...

ksperling by Champ in-the-making
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