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Forum Posts

Alfresco Cloud API call via AJAX - 403 forbidden

Hi,we would like to create a simple Javascript application that uses the Alfresco Cloud API.Testing the API with a REST client works fine.When we use a call like this using jQuery$.ajax({  type:"GET",  url: "

haa05 by Champ in-the-making
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Caching problems adding users to ALFRESCO_ADMINISTRATORS group

I am currently trying to investigate some issues I am having with a couple of different installs that do not clear the childAuthorityCache correctly when adding a user to the ALFRESCO_ADMINISTRATORS group via the Groups interface.I am currently using...

garryw by Champ in-the-making
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Boundary Events still active, but task is completed

Hi!!I can't finish a process instance because I have active events belonging to finished execution.I'm using activiti 5.11 and the activiti designer.I have two rows in ACT_RU_EVENT_SUBSCR with an execution id and that id is not in ACT_RU_EXECUTION or...

How to continue the workflow step from the faled step onward ?

How to continue the workflow step from the faled step onward ?Example1tep1Step2Step3- If Step2 got failed then Step3 should not execute. ? How to handle this ?- After sovling the errors in step2, how to continue directly starting from Step2 wihtout s...

demouser by Champ in-the-making
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İnstall Guide?

Hi,Activiti install guid? Does the document setup help?Installation no detailed explanation.

koksal by Champ in-the-making
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Import model from Activiti modeler to Activiti designer

I'm trying to start with Activiti BPM system. For this task i bought book - "Activiti in Action" by Tijs Rademakers. In section 3.2 there are some samples of creating BPMN process in Modeler and importing created process into Designer.Everything ok, ...

vadro by Champ in-the-making
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Path explanation

Hi all,I need a explanation, please.I did not understand if the file "" must be in the "\tomcat\webapps\alfresco\WEB-INF\classes\alfresco\subsystems\Authentication\ldap-ad" or in "\tomcat\shared\classes\alfresco\exten...

theterz by Champ in-the-making
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Hide startworkflow for roles in Alfresco Share

Hi All,Just like to inquire if what I have been doing within Alfresco Share v4.1.5 to hide the start-workflow for Consumers. What I have done is to modify the share-documentlibrary-config.xml and provide permissions in the document-assign-workflow ju...