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NoSuchMethodError org.joda.DateTime

Hello guys,I am using activiti 5.14.. I designed some process with activiti designer. I tested them with JUnit. There was not problem.. But when I tried to start theese process from web content, I got a error like org...

erensimsek by Champ in-the-making
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'Control' 4.2.e memory footprint

Hi,Given those results after FTP vs Import methods, I tried 4.2.e. Alfresco being way less coupled to Lucene by using SOLR, things get better.However, as we will have about 1k+ files uploaded/day, we are really concerned about server resources, and A...

SQL Query performance is slow when joining varaible table

Hi,   Here is the query I'm using and when executing it is almost taking 4-5 seconds. but when I remove joining variable table, then query is returning in millisecondsselect count(distinct task.ID_)   from ACT_RU_TASK task    inner join ACT_RU_IDENTI...

ganeshr by Champ in-the-making
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Customization Alfresco Web Client

Hi All I would Like to make Some Customization to Alfresco Web Client "Explore" andI would Like First to Change the landing page for the guest user to be "Guest Home" instead of "My Home" then make custom view for the  "Guest Home" by adding costume ...

wolfateh by Champ in-the-making
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can't select user in reassign window

Thank you for your reply in advance.I can't select other user in reassign window.when I type Foz..,there are not user list show and I can "select myself" only but other function in explore is work ..I use below diff. platform to test.activiti...

kenjiang by Champ in-the-making
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how to get version store id

Hi,The version related information is saved to version store  but is there any api available to get the version store details. My requirement is to retrieve the version content using web scripts from a custom java web application.Thanks,Naveen.

Indexing does not work

Hello There ,After configuring index.recovery.mode=FULL , reindexing hangs for a while and continue again with below exception. 2012-09-04 04:27:23,416  ERROR [index.AbstractReindexComponent.threads] [indexTrackerThread1] Reindexer   206 failed with ...

ashwini by Champ in-the-making
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lazy loading outside command context

Hello,I've faced an exception, the one stated in topic.I've been working on same code for a week. I've updated the code outside the activity related things but as a result I'm having this problem.The code is like thatublic Data getDataFromExecutionId...

gokceng1 by Champ in-the-making
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