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Forum Posts

Reviving the multi-tenancy issue

Hello All,I've been reading the forum posts on multi-tenancy and I have what might be silly question: What about running a single Tomcat server per tenant that, in turn, connects to a distinct database?I've run two dozen Tomcat servers on the same ph...

estaylorco by Champ in-the-making
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Query process instances and JPA entity

I have a process with a JPA entity "vacation". When I created the process instance, I also create an empty vacation record in the database. The vacation record also stores the associated process instance id.I also have a process instance search where...

ollib by Champ in-the-making
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general architectural question activiti and webserver

Hi, we have an webapplication that runs (at the moment) on an oracele weblogic server connected with an oracle database.Now we want to implement some workflow stuff. Whats the best way to integrate and run activiti in such an architecture. I doubt th...

thomast by Champ in-the-making
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Content Store Selector and Community release

Hi eveybody!Is it possible to use the Content Store Selector in a Community Release (4.0 or higher)???do you think it would be a good practice to separate the logic of different projects in the same alfresco using the content store selector??? I know...

Cambiar la etiqueta REVISAR de los flujos de trabajo

Alguien sabe como cambiar la etiqueta revisar por otra (NOTIFICAR) en los flujos de trabajo.Quiero utilizar los flujos de trabajo por defecto de alfresco para controlar las notificaciones dentro de la empresa.Gracias y saludos…..Lo solucione de la si...

jlfmena by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco Performance issue

Hi,I am using default Alfresco 4.2.c community(32 bit) with JVM 1024k max. It went well but now-a-days, It is throwing the below error in alfresco log frequently. Then i unable to login into the Share. Excepting the solution…1. "11:52:58,262 ERROR [o...

iswan by Champ on-the-rise
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best practices in modeling a structure

I have been looking for any paper where Alfresco recommends the best practices in making a good structure about numbers of documents per folder and the number of folder depth.I am thinking in a aplicattion where the searchs are importants and more an...

Activiti and Messages from Queue

Hi,Is it possible to have activiti 1. Listen to a message queue say JMS queue2. Process message from queue3. Start BPM Processplease share sample code for this if possible.or whether we have to write a listener and process message from queue and expl...

Subprocess Usage

Is there any way using the Rest-api to return the parent process id (and name) when you make a call to get the current processes?  Currently, when you look at the processes, it displays the subprocess (if that is where the workflow is in) but there s...

lbds by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco Tomcat Crashes

Hi All, Our Alfresco Server frequently crashes but we have not found the exact reason of it. Let me explain the little bit about environment, We are using  GoodSync(Sync software) to synchronize the document vi Alfresco Webdav Protocol. everytime ser...

waq by Champ in-the-making
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