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Read task variable in UserFormPropertyRenderer

I have two task, task1->task2task1 is a manual task, the form properties of this task has 1 form property named count of type long.Now task 2 is also a manual task, the form properties of task2 uses an external form, like UserFormType. Added a render...

ashendra1 by Champ in-the-making
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solr ordering not supported for cm:firstName

Hi,I am using alfresco enterprise edition 4.1.4 with solr. when i perform a search on user object and perform sort column for cm:firstName.  it is giving below error in the solr console.2013-04-26 14:35:07,805  ERROR [solr.core.SolrCore] [http-7443-1...

gvarathan by Champ in-the-making
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REST query task by ID

I'm working on a system that can filter a list of tasks based on a number of possible criteria, such as Task ID, Task Name, Assignee or so on.I've found that for most of these criteria can use the POST /service/query/tasks action, however I cannot us...

mhanrahan by Confirmed Champ
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problemas de puertos

Buenos dias tengo instalado bonita 6.2 y alfresco comunitario en su ultima version en un mismo servidor bonita por defecto una el puerto 8080 pero el afresco no me levanta asi le cambie el puerto estaria muya agradecido si alguien me pudiera ayudar e...

mjlckp by Champ in-the-making
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Simple CMIS 1.1 search problem

I am googleing away and I am sure I am mixing my atompub, cmis 1.0, and cmis 1.1 I am using CMIS 1.1, I have a custom model, and I am trying to get all documents with my custom property value equaling something. My query isELECT cmisbjectId FROM cmis...

mangar by Star Contributor
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Create a folder in workflow assignees personal repertory

Hi,When a workflow is initiated I would like to create a folder the personal repertory of all the workflow assigned people.I would also like to upload a document in this folder automatically.It would be amazing if a shared folder would be created and...

hide form items based on econdition

Is it possible to delete  a form item  if a certain condition is met?I'd like to execute a listener when a task kicks off that would evaluate whetherthe said item received input in the previous task. If not, I would like to have it hidden/deleted fro...

jmzags by Champ in-the-making
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Query openCmis range of dates

Hi, i try to query for a custom property type date in alfresco with openCmis, the query works fine, but need to search by a range of dates, i see that the "between"not work in opencmist, how i can search with ranges?I have a query like that, and this...

jevr by Champ in-the-making
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Creating custom Workflow

Hello to all.I'm building a document approval workflow and my main goal is to copy the file that is attached to the workflow to another folder.It would be something similar to "Simple Workflow" that already exists within the "Manage Content Rules", b...