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Forum Posts

versioning files with same name

I have installed alfresco community edition 4.2c and I followed the wiki and documention listed below to enable autoversioning.  When I upload a file, it gets the versionable aspect, as it should.  And I can use the "upload a new version" functionali...

Drag&Drop Feature item versioning using Alfresco 4.0.d Community

I have a question about Drag & Drop feature on Alfresco 4.0.d. I have an item named "file.vpp" and when I drag a file with the same name "file.vpp" Alfresco Share treats it like it's the same file and add a new version.Is this behaviour correct? Beca...

koopa by Confirmed Champ
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Ordering is not support for my:property

HelloI have a problem using ORDER BY with my custom properties. I need help in orther to know what I should change in muy model to allow the order by…I am able to do queries, and to use my aspect properties in the select…exampletringBuffer cadena = n...

Alfresco 3.4 installation on QNAP TS259pro NAS

Hi Folks,I'm trying to install Alfresco 3.4 on QNAP TS-259pro NAS-System (with 2GB RAM) and entcountered some problems. Maybe someone here can give me a hint what has gone wrong during the installation.On the QNAP NAS Station i installed the followin...

doomsday by Champ in-the-making
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Guia de Instalacion Alfresco 4.2.c en Jboss 7.1.1 Final...

Hola… este es mi regalo de año viejo… Despues de varios dias y horas y horas de buscar información de errores, leer acerca de jboss 7, por fin he logrado desplegar alfresco community 4.2.c en jboss 7. Espero que esta guía le sirva a alguien…Plataform...

lexcorp by Champ in-the-making
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Unable to retrieve License information from Alfresco: 404

Boa Tarde Será que alguem já passou por isso ….Estou tendo problemas para logar no meu Alfresco .. vem apresentando esta mensagem de erro de Licensa abaixo.2013-12-17 16:03:30,531  INFO  [] [http-apr-8080-exec-10] Unable to...

Create a repo action in javascript

Hi Guys,I know we can implement a repo action in java by extending ActionExecuterAbstractBase and use its bean id in share.But is there a way to implement the repo action in javascript?Thanks,Kavi

kavilash23 by Champ on-the-rise
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document list order by custom property

Hi all, like subject says… I've added my custom aspect with its property, now I want to order all the documents and folders by it.I need to add it in the dropdown menu under all other sort-fields, is it possible?See the image above:[img]http://s15.po...

Create initial values

HiIn owbootstrap, we can create initial values for properties and we can assign value as function for example {today} But In workdesk, It rendered as text "{today}" not the date of day . What do you think is the problem?[img=640x480]

fararjeh by Champ in-the-making
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