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Forum Posts

Sending email notification in work flow

HI Team ,Currently i am working on sending the email from  work flow to specific groups , but i get few errors doing it.following is my bpmn diagram.class="org.alfresco.repo.workflow.activiti.listener.ScriptExecutionListener">       var mail = action...

srik by Champ in-the-making
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How to get parent space name dynamically from alfresco

Hi,I have a requirement to get parent space name dynamically from Alfresco repository in my Java code.Is there any API to get parent space name.Note: Parent space means, when we go to repository from alfresco share, we can upload files to some folder...

custom advanced search form works on one machine and not another

I'm in the process of building a some custom project tracking into alfresco, and learning development at the same time.  I have an aspect that contains certain pieces of meta data about a project, and I would like to be able to search in those fields...

abruzzi by Champ on-the-rise
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Simple CMIS query not working

I have a simple CMIS query which I am executing from within a collection folder. The purpose is to retrieve two specific documents placed in two different folders. SELECT d.* FROM cmis:document d JOIN ws:webasset w ON w.cmisbjectId = d.cmisbjectId WH...

Email config with exchange using postfix

Good morning all,I am new to the forums here I did browse around quite a bit before I decided to post this.  I have looked around on google as well and I can't find a configuration that works for my outbound email.  I want to use our exchange as the ...

dlaxtn22 by Champ in-the-making
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regarding alfrescoshare

while going for alfresco share login it's showing error "The remote server may be unavailable or your authentication details have not been recognized." plz help me to find out the solution

gyan by Champ in-the-making
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Suchen von Tags

Hallo zusammen,ich habe ein paar Dokumente mit tags belegt. Wenn ich jetzt bei der QuickSearch oben rechts ein Schlagwort eingebe, findet er Nichts. Wird die Suche von Tags nicht unterstützt?Liebe Grüßetob

tob by Champ in-the-making
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Thumbnails werden nicht angezeigt

Guten Morgen,die Foren-Suche sowie die Suche via Google habe ich vor dem Öffnen des neuen Beitrages genutzt,hatte allerdings keine für mein Problem relevanten Informationen oder Lösungen finden können.Verwendet wird Alfresco Community v4.2.0 e (r5667...

suedraute by Champ in-the-making
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Blank Screen after Login (Aflresco for Good)

Since our Alfresco people updated the version, this app shows a white screen after the login. Our general question is, is Good supporting that (wrapping issue) or do we need to go to Alfresco to get the problem sorted?we had a working Alfresco for Go...