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Jeff Potts' Working With Custom Content Tutorial

I am new to Alfresco and I using the Jeff Potts tutorials to get up to speed.The Custom Content Tutorial is great, but I have a question on section 2 - 'Configuring Alfresco Share'. The instructions state to create XML file "share-config-custom.xml" ...

Erro Java

Amigos. Bom dia. Primeiramente gostaria de externa minhas congratulações pelo nível das perguntas/resposta.Bom, sou novo no fórum e estou querendo utilizar o Alfresco como ferramenta e esbarrei logo de cara no primeiro broblema. Baixei o Alfresco 3.2...

emanuel-jr by Champ in-the-making
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duda migrando alfresco a otro server

Estimados todos.Estoy trabajando con la version Alfresco Community v4.2.0(r63893-b12) schema 6033Spring Surf and Spring WebScripts - v1.2.0(Release 1331)Sobre Centos 6.4 64 bits, y por cuestiones de espacio requiero migrar Alfresco a otro server con ...

Stuck at SpringTransactionInterceptor execute !

This is a bit of long story so please bear with me for a minute:We are using mysql database as the backend.We are using the out of the box activiti-explorer.war and activiti-rest.warWe put them in an apache tomcat instance and we modified

ssun by Champ on-the-rise
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Canceling in paralel human task

Hi, It seemed very easy at first but i could not decide how to handle the following situation. I have process definition where there is only 2 paralel human task's (waiting for users to approve or cancel) . If all the users approve process will conti...

bulutoprak by Champ in-the-making
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New palette item

Hi,Is it possible to create a new palette item and show it in eclipse-designer and web-modeler ? If yes, can some please suggest me.Thanks in advance.Regards,Nirvana

nirvana by Champ in-the-making
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Error el Alfresco. No me levanta....

Hola a todos, soy nuevo en el foro. Mis disculpas si no lo uso como es debido, espero con el tiempo aprender. Tengo un problema desde hace varios días con Alfresco, el servidor no me levanta, y en él tengo toda la iformación de mi empresa, he probado...

lpserrano by Champ in-the-making
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folder rule send mail failure

Hi there. I'm using Alfresco Comunity 4.2.f fresh new install, no addons.If I create (as said in the outbound smtp section as follows:# Gmail SMTP

luria by Champ in-the-making
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