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problem in writing a lucene query

HI every oneI want write a lucene Query to find a folder which it's name starts with digit, but I face with parse query error.My query is : PATH:"/app:company_home/cm:1990//*  and I Know alfresco writes this query like  PATH:"/app:company_home/cm:_x0...

cookie by Champ in-the-making
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Mail service task

Hi,I'm trying to create a process which sends an email to a recipient using the xml defined on (Email Task). But when I start my process from activiti I get an error saying "Warining! unknown property is used in expression: ${recipient}"...

Alterar tela inicial do share

Boa tarde!Preciso alter a interface do share para alguns usuarios.Quando o usuario logar, ter acesso somente aos meus arquivos e arquivos compartilhados.Alguiem sabe como faço isso?Grato.

lvresende by Champ in-the-making
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Recherche aspect personnalisé personnalisé

Bonjour à tous!Mon environnement :   Alfresco Community 4.2c  /  Windows Server 2008 R2Puis-je faire des recherches personnalisées sur des aspects personnalisés?Puis-je faire des recherches personnalisées sur des types personnalisées CONTENANT TOUJOU...

Reclaim Space

Today I noiced something strange.I had a very big file in the repository (it was a full export of the spaces store, so it was nearly 1GB). After download, I deleted it, and removed it also from the 'trash'.Now, the entry in the DB is gone (I did the ...