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Forum Posts

Customization of authority.ftl

I need to make some custom group selector for bpm:groupAssignees. The main goal is to limit selected groups by subgroups of some group. I know that it is possible, see <a></a> but I have no id...

kraynopp by Champ in-the-making
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Query regarding freemarker template

HI, I am using FTL for generating PDF. I am reading values from database and store into Map and iterate this map onto my ftl pAGE.. likE ${QuoteInfo.billingAddress}here this value of address is coming as Vvaishali, ghfrfhf, Aruba, 656565but I want it...

gudiyajain by Champ in-the-making
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Approving two workflows at the same time

Whenever I try to approve two workflows at the same time, one of the workflow will succeed, while the other will give this failure error org.alfresco.service.cmr.workflow.WorkflowException: 06210628 Failed to signal transition approve from workflow t...

e-no91 by Champ in-the-making
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Using CDI from JobExecutor

Hi all,we're looking for ways on how we can make use of CDI services from activities executed by the JobExecutor in JBoss AS 7. In Daniel suggested to write a JCA connector and use @MessageDriven...

naag by Champ in-the-making
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Activiti Job Executor EE available (Apache License 2.0)

Dear Activity Community,We (agito) would like to share our Job Executor for EE environments with you, that we've implemented some time ago for the EE distributions of our product agito BPMO. Due to its loosly coupled nature, it can be integrated with...

catandgrep by Champ in-the-making
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New security advisory and Alfresco Community Edition 4.2.f

Alfresco Community Edition 4.2.f is now available for download: release only contains a couple of changes from 4.2.e. The changes are fixes for important security vulnerabilities. We highly recommend that...

resplin by Elite Collaborator
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[SOLVED] How to do password reset on admin account?

hello,i have a funny situation here… a guy who used to work in IT here quit and he doesn't want to give admin password to a person who took his place…since i can't see entire repository so i can't do copy paste of the data to another installation of ...

wickedbuzz by Champ in-the-making
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Overriding the invite template used by Share

Hello All,I have bootstrapped a space called "MyComp" under Company Home > Data Dictionary. This space contains 3 spaces - Email Templates, Messages, Models.Under Email Templates there is a file called mycomp-invite-email.html.ftl [app:company_home/a...