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Forum Posts

Activiti, Alfresco, TimerStartEvent and Initiator

[posted on Alfresco forums but got no answer: ]Hi all,I'm new to Alfresco and Activiti and after some digging was finally able to create, ...

bprado by Champ in-the-making
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CPU clock too slow? Not true.

Installing Alfresco I have been getting the following message:<cite>CPU clock speed of 0.8 GHz is slower than the minimum required by Alfresco (1.2 GHz). Alfresco will not perform well. Upgrade the server to one with more modern CPUs (CPU clock speed...

Timer not working with SpringBoot

I am developing an Activiti prototype using Spring Boot with Spring MVC/Thymeleaf and Security with Java 1.7 and Eclipse.  It is very simple and follows the Spring Boot example.  The flow immediately goes to a subprocess with a user task and a bounda...

deb99s by Champ in-the-making
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Maven SDK Problema credenciales enterprise

Hola buenas,Estamos desarrollando con la sdk de maven de alfresco (En este caso la versión 1.1). Hasta ahora no hemos tenido problemas creando AMPs y levantando las instancias de desarrollo con las versiones community.A la hora de tener acceso al rep...

sergio_a by Champ in-the-making
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Extends EnumFormType

Hi,I wan't to create a new custom form type.I need a list a values (list of companies available on a database).For that I want to create an type based on EnumFormType. I can create a new type in may form and it will appear correctly loaded (not via a...

correct order of tasks

Hi, I would like to have all tasks from the .xml file, so I did rocessDefinition =                (ProcessDefinitionEntity)                ((RepositoryServiceImpl) ProcessEngines                     .getDefaultProcessEngine()                     .get...

Activiti rejects transient JPA object as process variable ?

Hi,I'm experiencing an issue when trying to pass a transient JPA object as an input parameter to a java service task, which then would persist the process definition looks like this :   <process id="saveUom">      <startEvent id="TheStartEv...

REST Cross domain call to upload file

I am using REST api to upload file. is the pastebin.I am using form plugin to upload cross domain.IE debug tools show that correct response received from the server. Howe...

CDI - JSF (PrimeFaces) - Example

Hello … I am starting my study in Activiti and would like to know if anyone has an example of a activiti-cdi using JSF (PrimeFaces). Would you like an example or tips on how to start. Thank you very much.

mamga by Champ in-the-making
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Include variables in native query result

Hello,I am checking out the new feature includeProcessVariables() in task query and the method getProcessVariables() on the task objects.Is it possible somehow to include the variables in the native query results? If yes, how?Thanks/Fed

fcauti by Champ in-the-making
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