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Forum Posts

Method to Keep Attachments in Body of Inbound HTML Emails

Hi Guys -When sending an HTML email from MS Outlook to an Alfresco aliased folder the inline\body image attachments are always pulled out.Is there a way to keep them within the HTML doc created in the folder? Or possibly convert the inbound email int...

dturner by Champ in-the-making
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Custom 'Properties' in share UI Help Needed

Hi,I was just introduced to Alfresco a few days ago and was asked to update the "properties" (keywords) to add 6 custom fields (keywords) to the screen attached.  We are using the Alfresco community as of now and I've created a custommodel.xml in the...

jconsorti by Champ in-the-making
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Quelques questions d'un débutant

Bobjour,J'ai installé alfresco community récemment et j'ai quelques questions toutes bêtes:- SI je comprends bien alfresco stock mes documents sous un format qui n'est pas directement accessible (sous entendu exploitable) en allant fouiller dans le d...

gabriel_s by Champ in-the-making
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Eclipse plugin form properties

Hi I am currently creating a BPMN diagram using Eclipse plugin. So on a task I can add form properties. When editing the property there are multiple field like id name type etc. There is also a field named Default and one named Variable. How can I re...

ritz57 by Champ in-the-making
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Form Properties with expressions

When using properties of forms in user tasks with expressions, when I get the value of the property, this is obtained from the expression. But when sending a new value to the property, this is not propagated back to the expression. Is there any way?F...

hazelcast e full reindex

Salve, abbiamo notato il seguente comportamento nel nostro cluster Alfresco.La connessione tra i due nodi cade (stiamo indagando con i sistemisti al momento non sappiamo perchè), hazelcast ci restituisce il seguente messaggio (in allegato un immagine...

CMIS 1.1 browser bindings via share proxy

This seems like a rather simple question so apologies for asking but I can't find the answer.I'm wanting to experiment with the CMIS 1.1 browser bindings via client side javascript in ShareFor the deprecated CMIS interface the URL is:Alfresco.constan...

idwright by Star Collaborator
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Import function

Hi,Does the import work? I try to import to Activity a new bpmn file (one business diagramm) but the Activity could not display my diagramm.The message "No image available for this process." I used the import funciton.ThanksBarbara