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Desactivar alerta

Buenos días,¿cómo hago para que no se envíe notificación por correo cuando se crea un usuario nuevo? Saludos

bprados by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco Share - Workflow assignees are the member of a site

I would like to assign a new workflow task to the members of a site (not to a group).My questions are :- How do I have to change "share-config-custom.xml" to list all the site that the signed in user has created ?- How do I have to change my workflow...

Content modeling and indexing

Hi,i had some issue working with my custom types (2 subtypes of cm:content for witch i also created advanced search forms)1- Tags and categories work fine with the 2 subtypes (i can add to a custom type as much tags and categories as i want) but they...

Run Activiti Script As System in Alfresco 5.0

Hi,I wanted to run a JS script in an Activiti workflow as the System user.I did that many times in v4.2, setting "System" in the "runas" field of an AlfrescoScriptTask, but when running this in v5.0 (Enterprise) the following error shows up : "runas ...

tonyrivet by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco share 5 Administration

Moin Moi,ich habe einige Fragen zum Thema Administration.Wenn ich mich mit dem Administratorkonto anmelde, bin ich etwas verwirrt.Ich kann Gruppen erstellen, aber nicht allgemeine Berechtigungen anlegen.Ich würde auch gerne für jede Benutzergruppe St...

Is anyone writing BPMN in an XML editor?

I'm reviewing this slideshare: It seems to me that there are quite a few elements available in BPMN 2.0 that are not available in the tools (modeller, designer…)So, I'm wondering if a...

matt1 by Champ in-the-making
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Custom Execution Listener triggered by VARIABLE_UPDATED event

Our proprietary workflow engine supports firing a hierarchy of listeners (that are modeled) when a DataObject is updated. Process  DataObject-1  Listener-1   Listener-2  Subprocess    DataObject-2    Listener-3 For example, when DataObject-2 is updat...

rhafner by Champ on-the-rise
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Migration of IBM WPS to Activiti

Hi ,We are planning to migrate the existing application from IBM WPS to Activiti Business process Engine .The application which is current using the IMB WPS is not fully automated with the business process but most of the Human work flows are used .U...

usai by Champ in-the-making
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Searching with polish stemmer

Hello, I'm trying to make my Alfresco to search in Polish.I'm using Alfresco 5.0c + Solr4. My stemmer is Morfologik. There is no dataTypeAnalyzers__{your locale}.properties in this version of Alfresco.I added filter to schema.xml file and I can use M...

ddr by Champ in-the-making
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Asynchronous / Long Running Activities

Hi,We are developing a product which uses the Activiti Engine (5.17).  We have implemented a number of activities that execute long lived jobs within our system.  The prototype versions of these activities were implemented using a script or JavaDeleg...