I logged into activiti probe and went to deployement and tried to upload a bpmn20.xml file which i have created. As soon as i upload i get a list of errors. Since am very new to activiti can any one help me with this..
cvc-complex-type.4: Attribute 'sourceRef' must appear on element 'sequenceFlow'. | New Model.bpmn20.xml | line 17 | column 137
cvc-complex-type.4: Attribute 'sourceRef' must appear on element 'sequenceFlow'. | New Model.bpmn20.xml | line 40 | column 137
cvc-complex-type.4: Attribute 'sourceRef' must appear on element 'sequenceFlow'. | New Model.bpmn20.xml | line 49 | column 138
cvc-complex-type.4: Attribute 'sourceRef' must appear on element 'sequenceFlow'. | New Model.bpmn20.xml | line 52 | column 82
cvc-complex-type.4: Attribute 'targetRef' must appear on element 'sequenceFlow'. | New Model.bpmn20.xml | line 52 | column 82
cvc-complex-type.4: Attribute 'sourceRef' must appear on element 'sequenceFlow'. | New Model.bpmn20.xml | line 53 | column 84
cvc-complex-type.4: Attribute 'targetRef' must appear on element 'sequenceFlow'. | New Model.bpmn20.xml | line 53 | column 84
cvc-complex-type.4: Attribute 'sourceRef' must appear on element 'sequenceFlow'. | New Model.bpmn20.xml | line 54 | column 84
cvc-complex-type.4: Attribute 'targetRef' must appear on element 'sequenceFlow'. | New Model.bpmn20.xml | line 54 | column 84
Invalid source 'null' of sequence flow 'sid-9275FBDF-B2EE-46F3-9837-7F960E69D3DE' | New Model.bpmn20.xml | line 17 | column 137
Invalid source 'null' of sequence flow 'sid-6AB34A0F-3E37-4B97-ACC9-801074B48D45' | New Model.bpmn20.xml | line 40 | column 137
Invalid source 'null' of sequence flow 'sid-140F0C9A-AB1A-4050-A3E0-B2C7E013916F' | New Model.bpmn20.xml | line 49 | column 138
Invalid source 'null' of sequence flow 'sid-A8DE9D83-2FD1-4C01-ABC7-B25E5793616D' | New Model.bpmn20.xml | line 52 | column 82
Invalid source 'null' of sequence flow 'sid-734178E0-D7A1-439C-85CC-6360D4271630' | New Model.bpmn20.xml | line 53 | column 84
Invalid source 'null' of sequence flow 'sid-84772702-A1E5-4352-993A-98D39B6E6A44' | New Model.bpmn20.xml | line 54 | column 84
Invalid reference in 'bpmnElement' attribute, activity sid-60B0A0EE-A2A8-4A60-B034-C07FC8B286CEnot found | New Model.bpmn20.xml | line 58 | column 133
Invalid reference in 'bpmnElement' attribute, activity sid-35E92798-7555-44C2-B5A5-B299B75E603Dnot found | New Model.bpmn20.xml | line 61 | column 133
Invalid reference in 'bpmnElement' attribute, activity sid-6BD2088B-BDD9-4CB1-AA94-222955AD1027not found | New Model.bpmn20.xml | line 64 | column 133
Invalid reference in 'bpmnElement' attribute, activity sid-2C6750FA-2DE5-4E30-86FA-DE9FA19F3792not found | New Model.bpmn20.xml | line 67 | column 133
Invalid reference in 'bpmnElement' attribute, activity sid-8A133780-37AF-4B7B-AA86-03EDE9897619not found | New Model.bpmn20.xml | line 70 | column 133
Invalid reference in 'bpmnElement' attribute, sequenceFlow sid-9275FBDF-B2EE-46F3-9837-7F960E69D3DEnot found | New Model.bpmn20.xml | line 76 | column 132
Invalid reference in 'bpmnElement' attribute, sequenceFlow sid-A8DE9D83-2FD1-4C01-ABC7-B25E5793616Dnot found | New Model.bpmn20.xml | line 80 | column 132
Invalid reference in 'bpmnElement' attribute, sequenceFlow sid-6AB34A0F-3E37-4B97-ACC9-801074B48D45not found | New Model.bpmn20.xml | line 84 | column 132
Invalid reference in 'bpmnElement' attribute, sequenceFlow sid-140F0C9A-AB1A-4050-A3E0-B2C7E013916Fnot found | New Model.bpmn20.xml | line 88 | column 132
Invalid reference in 'bpmnElement' attribute, sequenceFlow sid-734178E0-D7A1-439C-85CC-6360D4271630not found | New Model.bpmn20.xml | line 92 | column 132
Invalid reference in 'bpmnElement' attribute, sequenceFlow sid-84772702-A1E5-4352-993A-98D39B6E6A44not found | New Model.bpmn20.xml | line 96 | column 132
What are these errors??